The Road to Rug-Making

Weaving Our Way

Inviting you into our home—the why and how we’ve created Joon Loloi—starts in India, with skilled artisans and long-held relationships we’ve been lucky to enjoy over decades (and countless cups of chai).

It's here in Varanasi that we find inspiration and immerse ourselves in centuries of tradition. As we witness a rug emerge from the loom, we're reminded that every rug's story is a testament to the community that writes it—knot by knot.


The Artists of Varanasi

“Even after 13 years of working in the industry, I am still awestruck by the craftsmanship that I witness every time I travel to Varanasi. It deepens my appreciation for the final product and I hope that sharing this process with the world affects others as much as it has affected me.”

cyrus loloi

Generations of Tradition

Goodweave certified

All of the India-made rugs in our selection are GoodWeave certified, ensuring our commitment to ethical production and the support of weavers' communities.